Ibrahim Khalil

IMG-20230715-WA0000 - Ibrahim Khalil
Ibrahim Khalil
Assistant Director, Higher Education Unit
University of Chittagong

Ibrahim Khalil is a lecturer in Chemistry at World University of Bangladesh, Uttara 17/H, Dhaka-1230. Besides, he holds the position of a lecturer (Adjunct) in Chemistry at Uttara University, Turag, Dhaka.
Ibrahim Khalil is an assistant director at the Higher Education Unit, UinV.

He was a former Research Intern at the Career Development Unit (Intern Team 2024), UniV. His internship was valid for six months, from February 10, 2024, to July 9, 2024. As an intern, he was primarily responsible for helping manage all the activities assigned from the UniV Career Development (CD) Unit (across the UniV).

Ibrahim Khalil completed his Bachelor's degree in Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Chittagong, Chattogram - 4331, Bangladesh in 2022. He then continued his Master's degree in the same field in 2023. Moreover, he is trying to pursue higher study at a reputed foreign university in his discipline.

In addition, he has the position of a research assistant at the Laboratory of Applied Chemical Analysis (LACA), ACCE, University of Chittagong, Chattogram (4331), Bangladesh. His research interests include natural product chemistry, analytical & environmental research, nanomaterials, marine natural products, and biomaterials. He was awarded the “National Science and Technology” (NST) Fellowship by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Government of Bangladesh, in 2022 and the Chittagong University Merit Scholarship, in 2022.

He completed four weeks of training on the “Industrial Process Unit Operation & Process Control Technique” at the Training Institute for Chemical Industries (Central Training Institute of BCIC), Polash, Narsingdi, Bangladesh, from February 12, 2022, to March 10, 2022.

Moreover, he participated in six long (06) days of training on “Computer-Aided Drug Design” organized by the Computer in Chemistry and Medicine Laboratory, Bangladesh, from September 21st, 2022, to September 26th, 2022. He has completed four distinct courses on Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel, and Training of Teachers at 10-Minute School.

He is skilled in operating different instruments: UV-visible spectrophotometer, Biological Safety Cabinet, Autoclave Machine, Rotary Evaporators, Hot Plate, Magnetic Stirrer, Refrigerated Incubator, and Centrifuge Machine. He was a participant at the COMSTECH [The Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the OIC, Islamabad, Pakistan] Webinar on Sustainable Water Management in Developing Countries: A Case Study of Bangladesh on October 5, 2020.

He served as the Founder General Secretary (2021) of the Applied Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Association, at the University of Chittagong. He was a district-level participant at the “International Earth Olympiad” organized by the EST Club, JUST. He is a lifetime member of the Navaron Blood Circle. He has visited a few industries like Royal Cement Limited, Berger Paints Bangladesh Limited, Lub-rref (Bangladesh) Limited, Bangladesh Steel Rerolling Mills Ltd (BSRM), Chittagong Asian Paper Mills (PVT) Limited, Urea Fertiliser Factory Limited, and Ghorashal. Recently, he completed a research workshop on “Research & Publication for Beginners” at UniV from September 12th – October 19th, 2023.

He attended the rally and discussion on “Reduction of Using Plastics in Our Daily Lives,” organized by the Sweden Alumni Network Bangladesh, supported by the Swedish Institute (SI). In addition to this, he is a lifelong learner.