Ali Ashraf

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Ali Ashraf
F. Coordinator, Talent Management Unit
Masters Research Student, Ankara University

Ali Ashraf is the current coordinator of Talent Management Unit, UniV.

Mr. Ashraf is currently pursuing his Maters in Department of Sociology at Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkey. Prior to that, he completed Bachelor of Arts from Department of Sociology, Ankara University, Turkey with Turkish Government Scholarship ( Turkiye Burslari). During his bachelor’s degree, he spent one semester at University of Kiel, Germany as Erasmus+ exchange student in 2021. Before moving to Turkey, he studied one year in Department of Islamic Studies at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

He engaged himself with various voluntary and community service activities beside his academic study such as he worked for two years as Faculty Representative and Executive Member of Communication Unit of Ankara University Turkish Red Crescent Youth Society and Executive Member of Damla Ankara Representative, International Damla Volunteers Association, Turkey.

As part of hobby, traveling and exploring new places his favorite one.